Welcome to Orchard Community

What do we do?

Orchard empowers housing-insecure young adult men to acquire lasting life skills towards adulthood.

We are… Relationally Rooted

We need a stable, safe, trusting environment and community before we can make any lasting change.

Orchard is committed to providing affordable and stable long-term housing and community for our residents.

We are… Uniquely Tended

Each person brings his personal story, strengths, obstacles, and dreams. We want to help and challenge each to his own adulthood.

Orchard provides training to the young men that focuses on education and employment along with other independent living skills such as meal planning, transportation, finances and budgeting, and healthcare.

We are… Collaboration Minded

We ask who can help us and how we can help. We connect the guys with professionals who can help them grow and with community service opportunities to give back. We can’t do this alone.

Orchard partners with local organizations to create interdependent relationships for the flourishing of our communities.

We are… Jesus Centered

Jesus is why and how Orchard exists. Everything that happens here is because of his love. Residents need not know or follow Jesus, but we welcome you as Jesus welcomes all.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(562) 231-7515

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